Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Importance of Water Quality in Koi Fish Pond

      At this point, I don’t think I need to convince you that disease and water quality (or lack there of) go hand in hand. The following tests are among the most important you can run to help maintain your water quality in Koi fish pond. High-quality water will help prevent your koi from developing disease.

  • Make sure that the level of nitrate in your pond is no more than 50 ppm (parts per million). 
  • Make sure you have no ammonia and nitrite in your pond. 
  • Avoid a population explosion in your pond. Make sure you have a sensible fish load with a desirable stocking density. Did you know that fish actually grow faster in a pond in which the stocking density is lower? They bodies are simply reacting to the larger areas of water. 
  • The lower the stocking rate, the less stress on the fish. You’ve reduced the competition among the koi during their feeding period. 

koi fish water The Importance of Water Quality in Koi Fish Pond

The Quality of Water in Koi Fish Pond:
        If you understand the dire importance of water quality to your fish. You will know that many of their stress-related problems arise from exposure to a poor quality of water. But before I jump into that, let me explain just how stress can wreak havoc on your fish’s system. 

The Importance of a Good Filtration System in Koi Pond: 


        Stress can be reduced through a quality filtration system. By keeping the water circulating properly, you maintain a higher level of quality with less chance of debris or bacteria build up. The absence of bad bacteria floating around means your koi are less likely to develop disease.

        Don’t forget about the importance of diet on your fish’s stress level. I’ve already devoted an entire chapter to diet, especially the affect it has on the koi’s stress levels and its overall health. Whatever you do, don’t beat yourself up. It’s impossible to prevent all water-borne bacteria and other pathogens from sneaking into your koi pond. So when you find something, don’t feel guilty. In fact, most of the time you should feel pretty good about yourself for keeping the pond as bacteria-free as it is.

         The use of a UV sterilizer or clarifier helps to eliminate much of the bacteria, but your pond may still be harboring bacteria somewhere. After all, consider this fact: It’s possible for bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites to enter your pond’s environment through the air. You’re never going to provide your koi with a completely sterile environment or one which promises the elimination of all potential disease. We certainly don’t live in a utopia like that.

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