Sunday, October 9, 2011

Factors for Setting Up Your Koi Pond

        Here are some factors you should ponder about before you set up your Koi aquarium. These considerations can help you avoid most common errors and get you in aquarium keeping a hobby that you can live and be satisfied of.

1. Budget-space constraints 


How does your budget match up to the cost of the equipment you want? Can you build a big fish pond enough for your kois that are suitable in the space available in your home? You should consider the budget and space limits. Your space limits and your financial considerations compared to the new information you now have.

2. Budget

If you have money problems and if you really want to puruse the hobby, you can build a smaller pond first and buy cheaper Kois at first, and if you have enough money, upgrade your pond and kois.\

3. Space

After studying general information about the Koi fish, you should ponder on the size of the pond you need. Survey your home and determine a spot for your new fish pond. How much space you can allow for your fish pond including the extra paraphernalia? Take note of the space between the tank and the wall for adequate room for other equipment such as water filters, tubes and pumps.

4. Maintenance

Koi pond maintenance would involve your first task – research. It is very essential to learn a lot about the Koi fish. This will let you know what special considerations they will need, what equipment you will buy and how to set-up your fish pond. When you research about these things, you can establish how big they will get and in this manner you can figure out the size of the fish pond you will need to have your Koi happy and healthy. As well, this will provide you an opportunity to learn if the different types of fish care needs, size or behavior are too different; they will not be appropriate and suitable. 

5. Equipment
You should visit various pet stores near you and figure out what equipment are available and how much they cost. If you cannot find something that will help you for your pleasure, you can inquire about special orders. Make sure to ask for a price range or if possible a fixed price before you signs up for an order. When you have evaluated these factors, you can purchase the equipment and the Koi fish you want to keep. If you need to special order the equipment, you should do it immediately as it will take time for the order to arrive. Then, if everything is set, you are ready to pursue your hobby of koi keeping. Whether you just like to keep a couple of Koi fish, or if you want to venture into tropical fish, these factors will help you to start on the right track.

Colors and Patterns of Koi

Colors of Koi Fish:

        When you look a Koi fish carefully, you also notice  how intense the colors of the Koi fish are. You’ll also want to inspect the pattern. Obviously, the Koi's color should be bright. 

       According to koi experts, the koi's pattern should "tell a story." I've never discovered exactly what story these patterns should reveal, but I've always looked for patterns that align themselves with the standard descriptions as closely as possible.


        You’re probably wondering how judges decide this category. Oh, they have their ways! Let’s take the color red. If your fish has red and is in the show, the judges will take a good long look at it. It should be bright, for one thing like blood or a juicy ripe tomato.'

        And so it is with the color black. The fish should be as deep a black as possible. No mistaking any black spots with gray. Whites need to be a snowy clean white, not a dirty, drab gray. And the metallic sheen to you
koi must be clean and shining brightly.

Patterns of Koi Fish:

        When deciding on the patterns of Koi, this is where several meanings evolve depending on what variety of fish you’ve chosen. An azuma  lightning pattern was all the rage nearly 20 years ago. This made the Kohaku and the Sanke (which actually has three colors red, white and black) very popular.

        The number and shapes of those islands of color and pattern are important and are quite evident when it comes to buying koi. Meaning, you’ll feel it in pocket book! Along those same lines, you want the color of Koi to be distinct, no “bleeding” as koi keepers say. Red is definitely red and black is noticeably black. The colors’ “margins” as they are called, need to be distinct and obvious. You don’t want someone looking at your koi trying to decide if it has a red mark or an orange one.

Definite Markings of Koi:

        You also want a very clear line where one color ends and another begins. The last thing a judge wants to see is fading or bleeding from one color to the next. Small,indefinite markings or tiny dark specks are not viewed favorably.

        The balance or distribution of that color and the pattern is also important. While you’re looking at a koi, draw an imaginary line down the mid-line of it from above. Draw another imaginary line intersecting the first line roughly in its middle.

        These are the four distinct quadrants of your koi. Using this exercise, you will be able to visualize what I’m about to talk about a little easier. When assessing the distribution of color and of pattern of the Koi, there really are no strict mathematical formulas.

Koi Keeping

        Knowledge is power when it comes to Koi keeping. It is important to learn as much as you possibly can about the hobby before jumping in with both feet.

        It is important to learn the information yourself rather then relying on other sources. People such as your product dealer and pond builder will have limited knowledge, but should not be trusted for a reliable source, as they are selling products and may be bias. Plus, once you are at home with your Koi, your product dealer or pond builder may not be available to help you in the event of a problem.

        Since Koi keeping is a popular hobby, a large amount of Koi keeping information is available. Online sources feature quite a few articles and website containing useful information. Visit your local bookstore or library for books on the subject as well.

Making Koi Keeping Easy 

        Koi keeping is quickly becoming a very popular hobby in  United States. Koi are beautiful, vibrant fish that can literally light your day. Koi come in many colors, varieties, and kinds, so it is likely that everyone in the world can find at least one type of Koi that would suit their likes. While Koi may be a welcomed beauty to your pond, they also have an interesting history attached to them.

        In Chinese culture, Koi ponds are said to being good luck to their owners. Koi ponds are used as an overall plan to fulfill their lives. Other parts of the world consider Koi ponds as a form of relaxation and serenity. In the united states, more and more people seem to find Koi ponds to be fun more then anything else. No matter what the reason you find to have a Koi pond, they are sure to brighten your life.

        However, Koi keeping should not be taken lightly. Koi, like any other animal, require time and money to maintain. The majority of first time Koi owners fail because they get the idea that keeping Koi is easy in some way. Do not let this discourage you though, as doing your homework will greatly improve your chances of succeeding.

Understand Koi Keeping is More Then Just Keeping Fish  

        Now only will you be maintaining fish, but you will also have to maintain a proper habitat for them. Keeping your pond in good condition should be your number one priority. Once your pond starts developing problems, you will find that it will take more time and money then if you were attempting to prevent these problems from happening in the first place. You will find that your pond condition will directly effect the condition of your Koi.
        Koi overpopulation is one of the hardest problems to deal with when it comes Koi ponds. Once you have to many fish in your pond, severe problems can occur, and potentially cause death among your fish.

        There are a few ways to help prevent overpopulation. While you are never guaranteed that it will never happen to you, following a few simple steps will greatly reduce you chances.

Koi Keeping Forum: Join a Koi Community 


        Keeping Koi proves to be an interesting hobby, as it is ever changing. The nature of this hobby makes it almost imperative to communicate with others who have knowledge in Koi and Koi pond keeping. However, what happens if you run into a problem when your Koi dealer  just is not available to answer your questions? This is when a network of Koi enthusiasts would come in handy.

        When looking for a koi keeping forum or a community, be sure to check their statistics. While there are literally thousands of Koi keeping forums, only a few are actually active. Typically, statistics are available on their main page. Look for a koi keeping forum that not only has a large amount of active members, but also quite a few posts each day.

        Once you have found an active koi keeping forum, participate! Post new threats, and reply to others. You may even be able to help someone out of a bad situation!

Koi Care Mistakes to Avoid

This is a few of Koi care mistakes for Koi keepers to avoid:
  • Never, ever lift the koi directly from the water into the air via a net. The resulting damage from this action is likely to injure the fish.
  • Instead, tip them gently into a pan-shaped container that is already partially submerged into the water system. If the individual fish is too large and if the person handling it is skilled enough, then the fish may be lifted from the system by hand. But those are two big “ifs.” It’s always better to be safe than sorry. 
  • While you have the Koi fish close to you, carefully and deliberately examine its flesh. Touch it. It should feel firm and its body should be symmetrical. And yes, the koi should even feel slightly slimy.
  • You don’t want a fish that is either too dry or one that has too much mucus on its scales. Either of these conditions, by the way, could be caused by sub-standard water quality.
         So you’re watching the fish interact, but what exactly are you looking for? First, you need to know that koi are social creatures. If you’ve never owned fish before, you may find it difficult to believe. I know I did at first. But think about it: most fish swim in groups. You’re looking first for a social animal. If you’re drawn to one but it seems off by itself, a loner if you will, you might want to choose a different one.


Inside the Koi Pond

        Check out the fish’s surroundings. Steer your focus beyond the Koi Pond. The general environment should be neat and clean. In the water itself you don’t want to encounter any dead or dying fish.

        And while you’re scrutinizing the surroundings, you should watch out the type of food these koi are eating and should be particular with their feeding schedule.