Sunday, October 9, 2011

Koi Care Mistakes to Avoid

This is a few of Koi care mistakes for Koi keepers to avoid:
  • Never, ever lift the koi directly from the water into the air via a net. The resulting damage from this action is likely to injure the fish.
  • Instead, tip them gently into a pan-shaped container that is already partially submerged into the water system. If the individual fish is too large and if the person handling it is skilled enough, then the fish may be lifted from the system by hand. But those are two big “ifs.” It’s always better to be safe than sorry. 
  • While you have the Koi fish close to you, carefully and deliberately examine its flesh. Touch it. It should feel firm and its body should be symmetrical. And yes, the koi should even feel slightly slimy.
  • You don’t want a fish that is either too dry or one that has too much mucus on its scales. Either of these conditions, by the way, could be caused by sub-standard water quality.
         So you’re watching the fish interact, but what exactly are you looking for? First, you need to know that koi are social creatures. If you’ve never owned fish before, you may find it difficult to believe. I know I did at first. But think about it: most fish swim in groups. You’re looking first for a social animal. If you’re drawn to one but it seems off by itself, a loner if you will, you might want to choose a different one.


Inside the Koi Pond

        Check out the fish’s surroundings. Steer your focus beyond the Koi Pond. The general environment should be neat and clean. In the water itself you don’t want to encounter any dead or dying fish.

        And while you’re scrutinizing the surroundings, you should watch out the type of food these koi are eating and should be particular with their feeding schedule.

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